Posted on Thu 26 May 2016
Tap & Pay
What if coins were plinths, or dancing podiums?

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Craft + Technology Residencies: Money No Object
In this residency Heidi re-imagined the designed object of money, exploring what could happen if beautifully crafted ‘coins’ could trigger truly invaluable and enriching points of exchange.What if coins were plinths, or dancing podiums?
Continuing my exploration of physical gesture as a method of payment transaction, this version of 'Tap & Pay' plays with the modern near-field contactless means of transferring money. In this instance, dance steps can magically make a monetary donation to a charitable cause. Starting with tiny maquettes, an old table top becomes a giant pound coin with the help of some gold spray paint, Photoshop and a very large printer:
Testing out the method and the technology, I was helped by fantastic tap-dancer and award-winning choreographer Laura Kriefman. By adding RFID tags to the soles of Laura's tap shoes and concealing other technology inside the giant wooden coin, we set up the payment transfer system 'Tap & Pay' where dancers can donate through tapping their feet on the surface of this oversized pound:
(Close-up image courtesy of Benjie Croce)
As well as testing the process and the technology, Laura's tap-dancing sequence was brilliantly captured for the showcase event, by cameraman Benjie Croce:
Incorporating creative angles and overhead filming:
And the final dramatic moment when Laura arrived back in the Studio through the pound coin portal, from another universe, and on Budget Day no less:
(Teleporting image courtesy of Victoria Tillotson)