Posted on Thu 8 Dec 2022
The Future is Collective content
The Future is Collective was a Watershed programme of work propelling community and climate activism by offering support and development to freelance creatives (2021-22). Here is some of the content created during the project

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Danielle Rose
Danielle is part of Watershed's team working on MyWorld. She supports R&D through providing opportunities to test prototypes and get feedback on work-in-progress, whilst developing new networks and audiences.Project

The Future is Collective
The Future is Collective was a Watershed programme of work propelling community and climate activism by offering support and development to freelance creatives (2021-2022).The Future is Collective was a Watershed programme of work propelling community and climate activism by offering support and development to freelance creatives (2021-22). Here is some of the content created during the project.
People Like Us Part 1 & 2 (documentary)
Content creator: Kieran Louie. Editor: Kaja Brown
Kieran is a trans-masc filmmaker and artist who strives to explore social issues through his work, which is reflected in the 2 part documentary he has created called "People like us."
People Like Us, highlights and shares stories of how difficult it is for transgender people to access top surgery in Bristol.
Queery Bubble (podcast)
Content Creator: Sophia Oriogun- Williams. Editor: Mercedes White.
Sophia Oriogun-Williams created a brand new podcast series called Queery Bubble, supported by Editor Mercedes White.
In the first episode “Ditch the Queen thing, I just want to be a voguer now” Sophia delves into a world that they had wanted to be a part of and experience for a long time - the ballroom scene. Sophia says: “I, Sophia (a Queer) am the playful and curious host of Queery bubble, a podcast series with an open title for me to explore my own Queerness and sense of self as I learn about the history of a variety of Queer scenes....Through interviews, the aid of music, and a bit of humour, I find out about the origins of the Bristol Ballroom Community, what it has meant to some of its members and the rich history behind it”
QUEERY BUBBLE · Ep 1 - "Ditch The Queen Thing, I Just Want To Be A Voguer Now"
In the defence of TikTok, finding community in the endless scroll & Generations of Home (written articles)
Content Creator: Grace Ball. Editor: Malaika Kegode.
Writer and Content Creator Grace wrote two articles for Rife Magazine. The first, ‘In defence of TikTok, finding community in the endless scroll’ explores how community can be found in the unlikeliest of places, in online social spaces.
The second article, Generations of Home, saw Grace discovering a deeper community than expected when investigating the burial place of her Grandfather’s Grandfather.
Read the articles here:
TikTok, finding community in the endless scroll
Generations of Home
Cyberactivism & You, An Illustrated Guide to Organising in the Digital Age (illustrated zine)
Content Creator: Jess Kerubino. Editor: Jaz Thompson.
Jess created an illustrated guide that touches on topics that surround being an activist today. From the importance of encrypting your messages, to the key messages you need to remember while at an action. It focuses on how to keep yourself and other organisers safe both online and offline, and what steps we can take to reduce potential risks while organising.
Read and download the zine here:
The Future is Collective was made possible thanks to public funding from the National Lottery through Arts Council England. Watershed delivered the programme in partnership with Bristol + Bath Creative R+D, the University of Bristol through MyWorld, and Bath Spa University through the Immersive Promotion Design consultancy.