Chloe focuses on co-designing her products with the people that it’s meant for. 

Music Memory Box is a tool for people living with dementia to reminisce, re-awaken and reconnect with loved ones. Think object jukebox and Desert Island Discs combined. 

Trove is a treasure chest for children’s most precious things. Trove helps children to understand who they are and to support them through times of change and uncertainty. It was initially developed to help children who have been adopted or are in care.

The kickstarter campaign for Music Memory Box has just launched:

Why did you create Music Memory Box & Trove ?

Originally, I created Music Memory Box for a family member with dementia. I used to visit my Great Gran in her care home and she would sit and play piano and remember all the bits of music. So i researched the link between dementia and music and i learnt how to make the electronics to create a product that produced sound. Then I made Trove, because it is valuable for children in care to look at their memories and identity and stories.

Essentially, they’re topics that just never get looked at. Or often get overlooked.

What is your experience of being a woman in the world of creative technology?


This only recently has been affecting me actually. In the design industry there’s quite a few women but they’re still not really celebrated. In tech its very male dominated. I’ve been on a few accelerators where you’re the only woman but now i’m on a completely women only accelerator for women in social tech so it’s my ideal group of people, and all different women doing loads of great things.

How does your project help to give people a voice or a platform?

When I co-design with people they are given a platform to share their experiences and the issues they are dealing with. They are experts in the issues and need to be listened to - so I can design alongside people. Throughout the process they seem to build their confidence and gain an understanding of design, and how you can invent and change certain situations - making life easier and more enjoyable through design. Also when running co-design workshops I focus on inviting people that are often not invited to such events, for example people that identify as LGBTQ+ and people from BME backgrounds, so that we have a wide range of voices and experiences co-designing the product.

How is your work a rebellious act?

It’s a very quiet rebellious act. To design things carefully with consideration and to listen to people’s issues is a rebellious act. I’m not like “I’m a designer and this is how i do things” - Working with people to design for their needs is a very quiet rebellion. But it shouldn’t be - that should just be good design.