Posted on Thu 20 Jan 2011
Creative Producers Development Programme announced
iShed and Arts Council England are pleased to announced participants of their Creative Producers Development Programme, which includes a trip to SXSW 2011 and a summer school at the Studio. The programme brings together producers working across art-forms with a thirst to expand their network and…

Tweeture - our famous SXSW 2010 delegate
iShed and Arts Council England are pleased to announced participants of their Creative Producers Development Programme, which includes a trip to SXSW 2011 and a summer school at the Studio. The programme brings together producers working across art-forms with a thirst to expand their network and produce cutting-edge digital projects.
The aim will be to explore new opportunities, view work, spot emerging digital trends and create a network that will deliver value for years to come.
The participants are: Laura Sillars, Site Gallery;
Chris Horkan, Oh Productions; Julianne Pierce, Blast Theory; Urmala Jassal, SAMPAD; Beckie Darlington, Haus Projects; Matt Davenport, Broadway; Mat Trivett, Trampoline: Agency for Art and Media and LAB; Tanuja Amarsuriya, Theatre Bristol and Inbetween Time; Rachel Coldicutt, Royal Opera House; Marcus Romer, Pilot Theatre and Isabelle Croissant, Cornerhouse.
Participants will first visit SXSW in Texas, US in March 2011. The delegation will build upon the Umbrella Group delegations to SXSW in 2009 and 2010 run by iShed and Germination.
In June 2011 the group will participate in an intensive five day lab hosted by the Studio and produced in partnership with the DCRC. Facilitated by established practitioners from cutting-edge research and practice, the summer school will blend personal and project development, and cover different aspects of creative technology production.
All of the producers will be documenting their experiences online and an iShed Micro site will go live in the near future.