2022 Film Critics Workshop Video Essay Commissions

Film Critics Workshop 2022 participants

Film Critics Workshop 2022 participants

One of the great pleasures of attending a film festival is engaging with the multitude of responses to the films being exhibited, whether they be instantaneous responses overheard whilst filing into the foyer after a screening, or snatched chats with fellow cinephiles over a drink should one’s schedules allow enough time for this. As the leader of the Cinema Rediscovered 2022 Film Critics Workshop I had the additional privilege of prolonging this period of discourse with this year’s cohort, seeing them develop their ideas about the programme into a collection of video essays.

During the course of the workshop, the group heard from guest speakers Catherine Grant, Jessica McGoff and Charlie Shackleton, each with their own differing approaches to tackling the same problem: how do we go about using film as a medium to comment on films themselves? The eclecticism of the results is in part a reflection on this, as well as on the diversity and wide scope of the festival’s programme.

- Film historian, programmer and video editor Jonathan Bygraves

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