Photo overlaid with blue of a table of planning drawings

Our Environmental Policy

Updated October 2022

Watershed’s cross-departmental Environment Group lead us as we strive to:

  1. Achieve net-zero Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 2030, building on the ambitions of Bristol City Council and the Culture Declares Emergency movement. 
  2. Consider all aspects of sustainability throughout our business, beyond just emission reductions to waste, biodiversity & climate justice.
  3. Ensure our Net-zero ambitions and consequent actions align with and support our commitment to inclusion. 
  4. Embed knowledge to enable everyone across our organisation to act.
  5. Engage our audiences in conversations around the environment and climate justice.
  6. Be transparent, accountable and sharing our knowledge along the way. 

Policy Aims

The aim of this policy is to ensure environmental sustainability is embedded within Watershed’s business in order to:

  • minimise the negative environmental impact resulting from our activity and
  • become more efficient in the use of environmental resources. 

Watershed seeks to foster and maintain an ethos of environmental responsibility in its staff, audience and tenants, and in the management of its venue. 

By investing in environmental sustainability Watershed also aims to make long term cost efficiency savings through the responsible use of resources.

To achieve this Watershed will

  • Comply with all environmental legislation and regulations appropriate to Watershed’s activities.
  • Commit to continued improvement of its environmental performance across the entire organisation and its activities.
  • Set environmental objectives and targets that will be monitored and reviewed to achieve the best possible practice going forward.
  • Invest in projects and developments that will improve Watershed’s environmental sustainability.
  • Work with artists, architects, engineers, technologists, city planners and audiences on a programme of discussions/labs/residencies to explore the role of cultural venues in environmental sustainability both to develop solutions and share good practice. Partners include Bristol City Council and Julie’s Bicycle.
  • Minimise waste by evaluating operations and ensuring they are as efficient as possible.
  • Actively promote recycling both internally and amongst its customers, suppliers and tenants.
  • Source and promote produce in a way that minimises the environmental impact of both production and distribution.
  • Communicate Watershed’s environmental policy and practices to staff, audiences and suppliers.
  • Monitor the application and effectiveness of the policy.

Practical application of our Environmental Policy

Watershed’s environmental policy is applied across the entire organisation and its activities wherever practically possible, with a focus on:

  • Energy consumption (electricity and gas): Watershed uses Julie’s Bicycle IG tools (via Energy Bank) to measure the environmental impact of its annual energy and water usage. The information is used to determine whether measures taken are effective in achieving the aim of minimising carbon emissions.
  • Water: Watershed maintains efficient water management and ensures this is considered throughout our building management, and future plans. 
  • Food: Watershed has an ethical, sustainable approach to food. This means that ingredients sourced are fresh and locally produced.  Where possible, our ingredients travel only a short distance – from plot to plate. This ethos both supports the local economy and minimises the environmental impact of our restaurant and conferencing offer.
  • Service providers: Watershed actively seeks out local providers for its services. 
  • Travel: Watershed is conscious of the negative impact of transport on the environment and seeks to minimise the impact it has as an organisation. 
  • Office Management: Environmental considerations are a priority for Watershed when sourcing replacement or new office equipment and furnishings.  Watershed endeavors to purchase items which are as environmentally friendly as possible from local suppliers.  
  • Recycling: Watershed is committed to minimising waste and recycling waste products wherever possible and pursuing circular solutions. 
  • Staff training: Watershed is committed to maintaining 65% of staff are Carbon Literacy Trained. Carbon Literacy Training is embedded into the onboarding process of new staff members, holding training sessions for new staff members every six months.

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