

classified 12A S

Please note: This was screened in March 2022

Haider Rashid
Adam Ali, Svetlana Yancheva, Pietro Ciciriello
75 mins, & Subtitled, 2021, Iraq, Kuwait, Italy
Primary language

Director Haider Rashid's compelling and brutal thriller is based on true experiences of migrants attempting to flee on the Balkan route from the Middle East to Europe.

The film focuses on Kamal (Adam Ali): a migrant who is escaping the political instability of his home country Iraq and is trying to enter the alleged safety of “Fortress Europe”. When he arrives at the Turkish-Bulgarian border, he finds nationalist mercenaries known as 'Migrant Hunters', who kill those attempting to enter the continent. Alone in the forest, Kamal has only three days to escape their clutches.

Rashid's timely feature offers a truly visceral and tense watching experience, giving us an eye-opening understanding of the true hardships faced by those trying to escape war and violence.

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