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Introducing our Patterns in Practice Residency Artist

Posted on Tue 17 Oct 2023

We’re delighted to announce artist Craig Scott as the recipient of our Patterns in Practice Residency - an opportunity to develop artistic ideas and conversations exploring data mining and machine learning.

 Watershed's Balance and Belonging Data 2023 

Posted on Thu 12 Oct 2023 by Helen Jaffa

Balance and Belonging is an approach we began in 2021 to understand the intersectional identities of the people who work at Watershed (Balance), and how their identities and backgrounds impact their experience of working with us (Belonging).

An open call for Watershed’s Winter Residencies programme 

Posted on Fri 6 Oct 2023

We’re looking for two UK based creative practitioners, with ideas for art and technology works that explore the theme of ‘Other Minds’. 

Celebrating Black History Month at Watershed

Posted on Wed 4 Oct 2023

Watershed's highlights during Black History Month, October 2023

 Undershed - an immersive gallery for Watershed 

Posted on Wed 4 Oct 2023 by Clare Reddington

Clare Reddington, Watershed's CEO talks about the plans for Undershed - a new immersive gallery opening downstairs in Watershed in Spring 2024. 

  Watershed Cinema Podcast October 2023

Posted on Tue 26 Sept 2023

In this episode Stef from Comms and Cinema Steph figure out if there's a phone better than a BlackBerry, their top picks for London Film Festival, and talk to Andrew Kelly from Bristol Ideas about a new season centred on Berlin.

What if humans aren’t the most intelligent things in the world? And, what if that is ok? What then?

Posted on Tue 26 Sept 2023

Jo Lansdowne discusses how the Pervasive Media Studio are supporting people to think about and experiment with AI differently.

Pervasive Media Studio publishes Guide to Random Selection

Posted on Wed 6 Sept 2023

Studio Lead Martin O'Leary discusses Random Selection and supporting tools from the Pervasive Media Studio.

  Watershed Cinema Podcast September 2023

Posted on Mon 11 Sept 2023

In this episode of Stef from Comms and Cinema Steph talk about what's coming up in September including Jurassic Park back in 3D, a new season inspired by the 4K restoration of Stop Making Sense, and making sense of Barbenheimer.

Cinema Rediscovered’s record-breaking success is hailed as sign of Box Office hope

Posted on Wed 9 Aug 2023

We reflect on this year's festival, as Cinema Rediscovered readies to hit 24 venues and festivals in its annual UK and Ireland wide tour.

Apply now for the Patterns in Practice Artist Residency

Posted on Thu 3 Aug 2023

We are delighted to announce an open call for our Patterns in Practice Artist Residency. We are looking for an artist who is interested in data mining and/or machine learning to...