Photo of Helen Jaffa, People and Culture Manager

Helen Jaffa

Head of People

Helen is responsible for the delivery of the organisation’s People Strategy, creating consistency in a values led approach to People and supporting teams to understand their roles within it.

Helen leads all People practices at Watershed, and supports inclusion work happening across the organisation.


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multi coloured heart
Posted on Wed 18 Sept by Helen Jaffa

Helen Jaffa, Head of People at Watershed shares how Watershed's annual Balance & Belonging report impacts our wider people strategy and how it supports us to make change.

multi coloured heart and two people icons balanced on a scale
Posted on Thu 12 Oct 2023 by Helen Jaffa

Balance and Belonging is an approach we began in 2021 to understand the intersectional identities of the people who work at Watershed (Balance), and how their identities and backgrounds impact their experience of working with us (Belonging).