Geoffrey Taylor is working with Pervasive media for the next coming weeks involved in the Extend Theatre project with HP. He has been asked to come and pitch one of his latest documentary ideas "Off on a Tandem"

I’m off on a tandem…I’m taking a tandem bicycle and will explore the country with it singly. In the state of economic and environmental ‘crisis’ we find ourselves in, maybe this is the only sensible way to explore the state of our country. It seems sometimes that we’re on the brink of disaster and I want to travel from John O Groats to Lands End to find out what’s really going on.

I hope to meet other people to ride on the back of my tandem to help me- riding alone is hard work and lonely, they can also influence where I go.  Before you get the wrong idea… I’m not an athlete, or a lycra fan by any means; in fact quite the opposite; this will be a challenge!,

Geoffrey hopes to use Pervasive technologies such as small light weight cameras, filming the journey and interviewing people on the back whilst riding. He wants to use GPS mapping and blogs to interact with viewers who can also determine where he goes.  The project is about people in places and is hoping the studio might have some interesting ideas that together can create not just an entertaining broadcast documentary but also a fascinating online experience.