This talk by Adam Greenfield centers around urban experience design, addressing the growing range of connected objects in the urban landscape, from CCTV cameras, sensor-equipped bus stops and networked bollards to Tower Bridge and its Twitter account. Speaker Adam Greenfield will consider what life among these connected things implies for civic responsibility and 'the right to the city', explores how the capacities of these 'new urban actors' call established expectations and ideals for participation in urban life into question, and concludes by asking how we may need to re-think who or what is responsible for the performance and maintenance of civic activity.

Adam Greenfield is the author of Everyware: The Dawning Age of Ubiquitous Computing and former head of design direction for service and user-interface design at Nokia. He now runs his New York City-based practice Urbanscale. 

This event is presented by Festival of Ideas, in association with UWE's DCRC and the Pervasive Media Studio.

Tickets are £7.20 full / £ 5.60 concs and can be booked through Watershed's Box Office (01179 275 100) or online