Studio resident and DCRC visiting scholar Anthony Rowe; founding member of international award winning Digital Arts collective Squidsoup, will be giving a talk at UWE Bower Ashton Campus, room 3B1 on Tuesday 8 October. The talk will be on the subject of his new work 'Submergence’; the Ocean of Light project, and infestations of Mixed Reality Bugs...

 Anthony Rowe is founder and creative lead at Squidsoup; an international group of artists, designers and researchers working with digital media, light and interaction. Squidsoup’s work explores the boundaries of the physical and the virtual, looking to create immersive and engaging experiences, often taking the form of interactive installations.

Anthony’s talk will focus primarily on Ocean of Light; a five year research project that uses volumetric arrays of lights to visualize digital media in physical 3D space. He’ll also be touching on various projects Squidsoup have produced since 1997 – including the recent Living Timeline for @bristol.

 For more details about Bower Ashton Campus and how to get there, click here.