A chance to get hands on with brand new data visualisation tools.

To celebrate the launch of Data Unity, we're hosting an Open Data workshop with its founder, Kev Kirkland on 28 Nov and you're invited to attend. The event will be held alongside Nominet Trust and WikiVOIS. The workshops will start with a brief introduction to the new products then we'll go hands on to discuss any data that attendees bring along. We want the workshop to be user focused and we'll suggest ways to overcome any data issues the attendees are facing.

Data Unity is an Open Source web tool which lets you explore and visualise data then share discoveries with others. Data Unity promotes Open Data, where you can query and publish data from within your organisation and outside.

WikiVOIS is an Open Source database of Values, Outcomes, Indicators and Stakeholders. The site aims to empower users by giving them a voice to tell their 'story of change'.

Book a free place for the morning or afternoon sessions for to play all day here http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/event/8928815327/estw