Studio producer Verity McIntosh and Creative Technologist David Haylock will introduce the ideas and inspirations behind the 'Playable City', from street mimes in Bogotá controlling traffic to a rubber road in Russia that lets you bounce to work. Find out more about Watershed's Playable City Award and this year's winner, Shadowing by designers Jonathan Chomko and Matthew Rosier.

As dusk falls each night this Autumn, Shadowing is giving memory to Bristol's city lights, enabling them to record and play back the shadows of those who pass underneath.

As the sun sets and the street lights come on, traces of those who've passed under the lights are played throughout the city, re-animating the streets. As you walk under the light, the shadow of the previous visitor may walk beside you. While you interact, or react, to the shadow, your movements and actions are recorded, becoming the shadow for the next visitor.

Verity and David will take us through some of the discoveries and challenges of staging this kind of technically and creatively ambitious project in public space.

This Lunchtime Talk is part of Open Studio Friday, which takes place at the Studio every week.

Do you want to find out what is going on at the Pervasive Media Studio? Are you interested in meeting our residents, talking about a specific project or curious about pervasive media? Why not pack a sandwich and join us for one of our Lunchtime Talks and Open Studio Friday.

Lunchtime Talks are informal presentations by Studio residents and associates. They normally take place at 1pm on Friday, are free and open to everybody who’s interested in what we do.

After the Talk, we also invite you to stay with us for the afternoon to continue the conversation or work on your own projects. We provide chairs, tables, wireless and a great space. You bring what you need to work with (laptop/mobile). Our open afternoons close at 5pm.

Let us know if you’d like a tour of the space and we'll be happy to show you around. Send an email to