Becky Sage
Becky Sage is a creative producer, driving projects that combine science and art to observe and discover the world around us.
Worked on
Nano Simbox
The Nano Simbox is designed by Interactive Scientific Ltd., a Bristol-based tech startup company founded in 2013 by David Glowacki and Phill Tew, and presently managed by Dr. Becky Sage.danceroom Spectroscopy
An interactive visualisation fusing virtual reality, high-performance computing, and molecular physics. dS lets you see your energy avatar, and use it to interact with the atomic world.Becky Sage is a creative producer, driving projects that combine science and art to observe and discover the world around us. She is leading projects for Interactive Scientific developing next generation education tools. She also likes to tell stories from a female perspective and is part of the creative team for Dollypop Theatre. If she’s not in the studio you’ll mostly find her doing gymnastics or on a stage.