Found in: Lunchtime Talk
Creative Tech on a Budget

Creative Tech on a Budget

Lunchtime Talks


Please note: This event took place in Feb 2020

Here at the Pervasive Media Studio, we try to combine the best parts of the tech and arts worlds. Sometimes that means trying to work with the latest technology, but on an “arts budget”, i.e. no money.

In this talk, the Studio’s Creative Technologist, Martin O’Leary, will talk about some ways to get the most out of a limited tech budget. We’ll take a tour through the world of Chinese drop-shipping websites, look at free alternatives to expensive software, and explore how far you can get with a glue gun and a trip to Wilko. If you’ve ever been put off trying out new technology because of the cost, or if you just want to find ways to save money while doing interesting things, this talk is for you.

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