Rife Highlight: A refreshing recap of the Black Lives Matter protest in Bristol

Rife Highlight: A refreshing recap of the Black Lives Matter protest in Bristol

Watershed Recommends: Fri 12 - Thu 18 June


Please note: This event took place in June 2020

On Sunday 7th of June, the sun shone bright at 1pm, and people roared, cried and celebrated. The people of Bristol joined in harmony to protest for the Black Lives Matter movement. Organised by young people, the city came together as allies, friends and a community to raise awareness of injustice.

Rife's Keziah and Qezz ask the young people of Bristol what they thought of the city’s protest.

Rife Magazine is our online magazine for the young people of Bristol. Find essays, documentaries, articles and lists about politics, arts and culture, social issues and more, all created by under 24-year-olds.

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