Sheba Soul Ensemble presents: Fly! Festival of Black Women’s Film

Sheba Soul Ensemble presents: Fly! Festival of Black Women's Film

Watershed Recommends: Fri 12 - Thu 18 June

Streaming + Live stream

Please note: This event took place in June 2020

Sheba Soul Ensemble presented their inaugural Fly! Festival of Black Women's Theatre. This year they had planned on returning with the Fly! Festival of Black Women's Film & Theatre, and even though that is now not possible they are determined to still produce something for you our audiences which connects us internationally and creatively. So whilst there is still no date for the intended physical festival, Sheba Soul Ensemble are delighted to be inviting you to join them for great film from around the world including shorts, a feature film, a discussion, and a creative workshop in response to the films being screened.

This Festival is supported by the BFI Film Audience Network, through Beyond Boundaries, awarding funds from the National Lottery.

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