Lunchtime Talk: Decolonize the Harbour - Launching Bristol’s Black Arts Barge

Lunchtime Talk: Decolonize the Harbour - Launching Bristol’s Black Arts Barge

Watershed Recommends: Fri 24 - Thu 30 July

Streaming + Live stream

Please note: This event took place in July 2020

For this week's Lunchtime talk we will be joined by Studio resident Michael Jenkins & Dr Mena Fombo who will be discussing their exciting new venture The Bristol African Caribbean Culture Space on Bristol's Harbourside.

The Bristol African Caribbean Culture Space (BACCS) is a new venue dedicated to showcasing the work of black creatives, sharing history and celebrating our collective future.

BACCS is non-profit enterprise led by Michael Jenkins and Dr Mena Fombo that launched back in December 2019. Jenkins and Dr Fombo recognised that there was a lack of a presence of black owned venues in the city and given the significance of the Harbourside, they were inspired to create a new inclusive space. Their hope is to change the narrative of venue ownership and arts institutions in the South West.

BACCS has earmarked an ideal vessel to renovate - a 57 metre barge that will be the first of its kind in the city and will be able to host up to 150 people across two floors, offering a programme of combined arts and residencies.

You can contribute to the Bristol African Caribbean Culture Space crowdfunder here.

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