Found in: Slapstick 2022
WC Fields Sally of the Sawdust (1925)

WC Fields Sally of the Sawdust

Slapstick 2022


Please note: This was screened in Jan 2022

113 mins

The irascible and immensely talented W.C Fields stars alongside silent film darling Carol Dempster as they form a sort of father/daughter relationship in Sally of the Sawdust.

When her circus mother dies, young Sally (Dempster) is raised by Professor McGargle (Fields), a juggler and small-time con man. McGargle trains Sally to dance for his opening act, and after their success, the pair join a carnival in this rare D.W Griffith comedy. Putting these two incredible actors together in the circus is bound to make for a great comedy. With an introduction from presenter Chris Serle and a personal message from Dr Harriet Fields (Fields’ granddaughter).

For more information on W.C. Fields see

This event is also available to watch live online and for up to seven days after. Access it and other fantastic Slapstick festival events with a Slapstick Online Pass or event ticket.

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