Paris 13th District

Paris 13th District

classified 18 S

Please note: This was screened in March 2022

Jacques Audiard
Lucie Zhang, Makita Samba, Noémie Merlant
105 mins, & Subtitled, 2021, France
Primary language

Jacques Audiard (A Prophet, Rust and Bone) ventures into new territory with a vibrant take on love and Paris, as four characters cross amorous paths in the modern city.

Set in the French capital's 13th arrondissement, where a predominantly East Asian community resides, Audiard's passionate romance charts the interwoven relationships between four twenty-somethings, played by Lucie Zhang, Makita Samba, Jehnny Beth and Noémie Merlant. As their lives intersect, their bustling district is the backdrop for a tough, tender, often euphoric city symphony.

With crackling black-and-white photography and stunning performances, this is a electric story of love, desire and everyday survival in a racially, culturally, sexually diverse contemporary city.

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