Rebel Dread

classified 12A

Please note: This was screened in March 2022

William E. Badgley
Jazzie B, Norman Jay, Mick Jones
86 mins, 2020, UK
Primary language

Rebel Dread follows the life and times of the multi-disciplinarian Don Letts and the impact he made on the punk and reggae scene. Growing up against a backdrop of racism, police harassment and violence of 60s and 70s Britain, he found solace and meaning to his life in the music he loved so much.

The film explores his cultural and political awakening and looks at how he found his voice as a young man, showing how rastas and punks found a common bond outside the mainstream, and how by introducing dub and reggae to punks, Don influenced a whole generation of rock acts.

He became a top music video director, directing over 400 videos for the likes of The Slits, Elvis Costello, The Pretenders, Bob Marley and, of course, The Clash. Don became part of the inner circle of The Clash, winning a Grammy for his documentary Westway to the World, and forming a band, Big Audio Dynamite, with The Clash's Mick Jones.

Insightful, generous and crackling with energy, Rebel Dread is a must see.

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