Sheeba Soul presents: Sisters in Law

Sheba Soul Ensemble present: Sisters in Law

classified 12A

Please note: This was screened in March 2022

Florence Ayisi, Kim Longinotto
104 mins

Sheba Soul Ensemble welcome Oscar®-nominated documentary director Professor Florence Ayisi for a screening of her award-winning film Sisters in Law.

The documentary takes a fascinating look at the work of a courthouse in a small town in Cameroon, Central Africa. Vera Ngassa, the tough-minded state prosecutor, and Beatrice Ntuba, the judge, help women and children to find the courage to fight difficult cases of domestic violence and child abuse despite pressures from family and their community to remain silent.

Through their emotional stories and courage, the extraordinary work of women in the judicial system shines through. With fierce compassion, Ngassa and Ntuba dispense wisdom and justice in fair measure; handing down stiff sentences to those convicted. Sisters in Law presents another reality of the agency of African women and their resilient spirit, courage, hope and fight for justice and gender equality.

At a time when violence against women and girls and high profile sexual abuse cases are receiving much media and public attention, you will come away from this film feeling inspired.

Part of FLY! Festival of Black Women's Film.

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