Laika: Virtual Reality Experience

Laika: Virtual Reality Experience


Please note: This event took place in March 2022

Oscar®-winning director Asif Kapadia (Amy, Senna, Diego Maradona) blends immersive virtual reality and CG animation to bring to life the ground-breaking true story of earth’s first space traveller: stray dog Laika.

Laika was the first living creature sent by humans into space aboard the Soviet satellite Sputnik II in 1957. Overnight, an unwanted and unloved stray that had survived on the streets of Moscow became the most famous dog in the world.

Adapted from Nick Abadzis’ 2007 graphic novel, Laika is a tragic tale of love, deep humanity and a mission that heralded a new age of information, technology and the race for military supremacy.

Useful information:

  • This virtual reality experience is for ages 13+.
  • The experience will take place in Waterside 3.
  • You will be provided with an Oculus Quest 2 headset. Headsets will be sterilized between each use.
  • The film lasts for 15mins and the whole experience will take about 60mins.
  • Staff will be on hand to give you a brief introduction, help you into the headset, and answer any questions you may have.
  • Tickets are £8.00 full / £5.00 concessions
  • Each timed event takes place with a maximum of 25 people in the space.

A BFI London Film Festival Initiative. LaikaVR is funded by the BFI and StoryFutures Academy (the UK’s National Centre for Immersive Storytelling run by the National Film & Television School (NFTS) and Royal Holloway, University of London), in association with Film4; a Passion Pictures and Sheep Thief Films Production.

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