
Please note: This was screened in April 2022

60 mins

This short film programme brought to you by Encounters looks at the multiple ways humans engage with the spaces they inhabit, their inherent symphonies, kinetic movements as well as the hostile environments that can still be called home. These films invite us to be in conversation with our surroundings and to find ways to carve out room to create and exist.

We'll be screening the following films:

  • SERIAL PARALLELS, dir. Max Hattler, Germany, 2019, 9 mins
  • FARAWAYS, dir. Audrey Lam, Australia, 2012, 10 mins
  • WINTER (ZIMA), dir. Cristina Picchi, Russia, 2013, 12 mins
  • QUANTUM, dir. Flatform, Italy, 2015, 8 mins
  • JO HA KYU, dir. Nguyen Trinh Thi, Vietnam, 2012, 12 mins
  • RAILMENT, dir. Hayashi Shunsaku, Japan, 2017, 10 mins

Encounters is the UK’s leading film festival that provides and international platform for celebrating talent and innovation in short film, animation and virtual reality.

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