Found in: Queer Vision
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classified 18 (CTBA)

Queer Vision 2022


Please note: This was screened in July 2022

Lee Cooper
Deborah Aston, Lee Cooper
76 mins, 2021, UK

After fifty long years in the business, Mr. David Raven is still shaking his sequins as Maisie Trollette: Britain’s Oldest Drag Artiste.

A special performance is arranged for David to meet his US counterpart, Darcelle XV for the first time. At 87, Walter Cole is The Guinness Book Of Records Oldest Performing Drag Queen in the World, and he flies over specially to help David celebrate.

But professional rivalries flare onstage between our feisty Pantomime Dame and America’s regal Pageant Queen, and as his birthday grows nearer, David must deal with the challenges that performing in your 80’s can bring.

Maisie is a hilarious, heart-warming and often heart-breaking documentary that gives a peek into the world of a character more colourful than his gowns.

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