The Man Who Would Be King

The Man Who Would Be King

classified PG

Sean Connery: Beyond Bond


Please note: This was screened in Sept 2022

John Huston
Sean Connery, Michael Caine, Christopher Plummer
129 mins, 1975, UK
Primary language

Based on the novella by Rudyard Kipling, two former British soldiers in 1880s India decide to set on adventure to become the kings in Kafiristan.

Set during the time of the British rule of India, two rogue soldiers (Sean Connery and Michael Caine) discover a mutual affinity for ambition, power, and adventure. The two decide that India is much too small for them, so they set out to the mysterious region of Kafiristan – an area where no westerner has set foot since Alexander The Great.

And so a spectacular expedition begins! With the duo fighting off enemies, trekking across dangerous landscapes and ultimately discovering a treasure trove of gold and jewels – The Man Who Would Be King has all the action-adventure staples that echo Connery’s future role in Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade.

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