Robin and Marian

Robin and Marian

classified PG

Sean Connery: Beyond Bond


Please note: This was screened in Sept 2022

Richard Lester
Robert Shaw, Sean Connery, Audrey Hepburn
106 mins, 1976, Uk
Primary language

Sean Connery stars alongside Audrey Hepburn in the romantic retelling of Robin Hood and his lover Maid Marian.

When the ageing Robin (Connery) returns to his home of Sherwood Forest from battling in the Crusades in France, he makes it his mission to woo Maid Marian (Hepburn) for one final time. But his romantic crusade is not as welcome as he thought when he discovers Marian has become a devout nun...

Will Robin get the peace, love and happy ending he deserves? You’ll have to find out in this one-off screening of the classic tale from director Richard Lester.

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