The Rock

The Rock

classified 15

Sean Connery: Beyond Bond


Please note: This was screened in Sept 2022

Michael Bay
Nicolas Cage, Ed Harris, Sean Connery, Michael Biehn, William Forsythe
136 mins, 1996, Uk
Primary language

When a rogue group of military men threaten to set off a deadly nerve gas attack from the prison island of Alcatraz, there’s only two men fit for the job to prevent this from happening.

Sean Connery plays John Patrick Mason – an ex-con with echoes of his previous action characters. He’s teamed up with mild-mannered biochemist Stanley Goodspeed (Nicolas Cage) to infiltrate Alcatraz (otherwise known as The Rock) and to take down the rogue US Force Recon Marines before the entire Bay Area is filled with the toxic gas. Will the duo save the West Coast from destruction?

One of the first films from action blockbuster veteran Michael Bay, The Rock is full to the brim of explosions, car chases and a melodramatic soundtrack, this is a rare chance to see it back on the big screen - enjoy!

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