The Good Nurse

classified 18 (CTBA)

BFI London Film Festival 2022


Please note: This was screened in Oct 2022

Tobias Lindholm
Jessica Chastain, Eddie Redmayne, Kim Dickens
121 mins, 2022, USA
Primary language

Tobias Lindholm, acclaimed screenwriter of The Hunt, directs Jessica Chastain and Eddie Redmayne in this quietly insidious true crime story.

Despite living with a chronic heart condition, nurse and single mother Amy Loughren (Jessica Chastain) is forced to flout medical opinion and keep working so she will be eligible for health insurance. When helpful new nurse Charles Cullen (Eddie Redmayne) arrives, lightening Amy’s workload, he seems like a godsend. But as the pair become fast friends, a series of inexplicable deaths occur among patients under their care, leading Amy to question just how well she knows her colleague.

Skilfully adapted from Charles Graeber’s non-fiction book by Krysty Wilson-Cairns (1917, Last Night in Soho), The Good Nurse is a refreshingly unsensational portrait of a serial killer, featuring two sensational performances from Chastain and Redmayne.

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