
classified 15

Please note: This was screened in Oct 2022

Frances O'Connor
Emma Mackey, Joe Alwyn, Fionn Whitehead, Alexandra Dowling, Oliver Jackson-Co
130 mins, 2022, UK, USA
Primary language

Emily tells the sensuous and loosely biographical life story of one of Britain's - and arguably one of the world's - most famous authors, Emily Brontë.

The film stars Emma Mackey (Sex Education) as Emily, a rebel and misfit, trying to find her voice as she writes the literary classic Wuthering Heights. Exploring the relationships that inspired her – her raw, passionate sisterhood with Charlotte and Anne; her first aching, forbidden love for Weightman and her care for her maverick brother whom she idolises, Emily empowers Brontë’s sometimes turbulent emotions, setting environments according to the author’s moods in ways that can be riveting.

Directed by actor-turned-director Frances O'Connor, most known for her role as Fanny Price in the 1999 film adaptation of Mansfield Park, who hopes that her retelling of Emily's story connects with younger viewers who are also trying to find their footing in society.

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