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None But the Lonely Heart

None But the Lonely Heart

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Cary Comes Home


Please note: This was screened in Nov 2022

Clifford Odets
Cary Grant, Ethel Barrymore, Barry Fitzgerald
113 mins, 1944, USA
Primary language

In Clifford Odet's film from 1944, Cary Grant plays the feckless Cockney son of an ailing shopkeeper (Ethel Barrymore in an Oscar®-winning role), who strays into crime and falls in love with the wife of a gangster.

Cary Grant was so keen to play the lead in None But The Lonely Heart that he bought the film rights to the book on which it was based - even though the original story was about a very much younger man than Grant was at the time.

Grant later said the story was especially meaningful because he saw in it who he could have become if he had never left Bristol. With such personal significance, this repertory screening of None But The Lonely Heart is not to be missed by Grant fans.

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