Huda’s Salon

classified 18 (CTBA) S

Bristol Palestine Film Festival 2022


Please note: This was screened in Dec 2022

Hany Abu-Assad
Maisa Abd Elhad, iAli Suliman, Manal Awad
91 mins, Subtitled, 2022, Egypt
Primary language

Starring Maisa Abd Elhadi and Ali Suliman,Huda’s Salonis a tightly-conceived, feminist thriller based on true events, about betrayal and loyalty when two women fight for their freedom. Reem, is a young mother married to a jealous man, whose time at Huda’s salon in Bethlehem to get a haircut and a sympathetic ear is an important escape from her daily life.

This former sanctuary is destroyed when Huda throws Reem into a nightmare situation with the threat of blackmail, offering Reem only only way out - to work for the secret service of the Israeli occupiers that are on a mission to betray her own people.

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