

classified 18 (CTBA) S

Bristol Palestine Film Festival 2022


Please note: This was screened in Dec 2022

Firas Khoury
Mahmood Bakri, Mohammad Karaki, Muhammad Abed Elrahman
104 mins, Subtitled, 2022, France/Tunisia
Primary language

Alam is the story of how a Palestinian teenager is no different from any other around the world embarking on new experiences, chasing dreams, love, and freedom.

In a Palestinian town, Tamer (Mahmoud Bakri) and his friends lead typical high school student lives until the arrival of the beautiful Maysaa (Jaboor Kawn). Hoping to impress her, Tamer agrees to take part in a mysterious flag operation on the eve of Israel’s Independence Day, which is a mourning day for Palestinians.

In this film, director Firas Khoury shows how he has been inspired by Palestinian youth and their courage and peaceful struggle against injustice.

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