Mr. Bachmann and His Class
Still from Mr. Bachmann and His Class.

Mr. Bachmann and His Class

classified PG S

Please note: This was screened in Jan 2023

Maria Speth
Dieter Bachmann, Aynur Bal, Önder Cavdar
217 mins, Subtitled, 2021, Germany
Primary language

Maria Speth's intimate non-fiction epic documentary which won last year’s Silver Bear jury prize at the Berlin Film Festival, profiles the bond between a spiky but saintly German schoolteacher and his students.

Mr Bachmann is a 64-year-old junior teacher for class 6b at the Georg- Büchner-Gesamtschule in Stadtallendorf, North Hesse. The class comprises of a group of 12-14 year old students from nine different countries with varying levels of aptitude, simultaneously trying to balance their individualism with their national identity. Mr Bachmann is determined to prove each child’s value and ensure they are equipped for high school.

This effortlessly absorbing, profound documentary about the value of a great teacher is perhaps one of the most hopeful films you're likely to see anytime soon. Patiently observed, deeply heartfelt, this is a must for your January watch-list.

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