Trans and Non-Binary Creatives Meet Up
Image by Tony Styles

Trans and Non-Binary Creatives Meet Up


Please note: This event took place in April 2023

Join Harriet Taylor every last Sunday of the month for Bristol's Trans and Non-Binary Creatives meet-up, a safe and inclusive environment for attendees to network, discover creative opportunities and share personal experiences.

This month we’ll be holding the first of our quarterly workshop events with life drawing sessions hosted by Milo Kit. Drawing materials will be provided, but we're operating on a “bring-your-own-easel” basis (there will however be table/desk space to draw from). These events are strictly capped so please be sure to book to avoid disappointment!

We welcome anyone who identifies as a trans or non-binary creative - from nail technicians to animators, circus performers to writers, creativity takes many forms, and we strongly believe there is an exciting opportunity to learn from each and every member of our growing community.

We understand everyone has different levels of comfort when coming to these events, and there’s no obligation to stay for the full duration of our meet-ups – drop in/out as needed.

"In short, we look forward to seeing you, and thank you again for your continued support.” – Harriet Taylor

Book your free ticket now to avoid disappointment!

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