First Friday May 2023

First Friday May 2023


Please note: This event ended on 5 May 2023

First Friday is a monthly social event open to anyone. These events are somewhere between the last meeting of the week and the first event of your weekend. You might meet an artist or an engineer, a school teacher or a city leader. It is a place to connect with someone you might not otherwise meet, and hear about stuff you didn’t already know. All are welcome - from inside and outside the city, online or in the Watershed building.

People joining online can participate in short speed networking conversations, facilitated by our chat roulette style software. You will be paired up at random for a series of five minute conversations, one-to-one with other guests. There is an option to take a break between each chat and you are welcome to pop in and out whenever you like. It's fine to join the event late and leave the event early.

People joining us in person will have the opportunity to have a look around Pervasive Media Studio and to find out more about some of the work that happens here. There will also be some equipment set up to chat with people joining the event remotely.

Attendees joining the event in person will get to see work by CLUMP Collective, the team behind Interment, poet Deanna Rodger and artist v buckenham.

  • CLUMP Collective is a creative production company based in Bristol. Amongst them are videographers, editors, graphic designers, prop and costume makers, each bringing their individual training and experience together to make music videos for bands and artists. Clump will be sharing a selection of their most recent videos.
  • The team behind Interment, a narrative puzzle game for Windows and Mac, will be sharing the game for First Friday attendees to find out more and play. Interment won the Grand Prize at the Bristol Games Hub Global Game Jam 2023, whose theme was 'roots'. The game explores the connections between the stories of our ancestors and the stories we make today.
  • Poet Deanna Rodger will be sharing WONDERFULL: The Poetic Fortune Teller Machine, a project she developed during her Winter Residency in the Pervasive Media Studio.
  • v buckenham is a maker of creative tools and a generative artist. They will be playtesting their easy to use game-making app Downpour, slated to come out later this year.

The hosted element of the event will finish at 18:00. After that, in person attendees are welcome to continue conversations in the Café & Bar.

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