Winter Residency Showcase
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Winter Residency Showcase


Please note: This event took place in April 2023

Join us for this free showcase event to celebrate the work created by Watershed’s Winter Artists in Residence Kexin Liu, Ashley Peevor and Deanna Rodger.

Responding to the theme of ‘Making the World Differently’, their ideas span a living costume made from local plants, an online zine exploring the link between attention and effective climate action, and an interactive poetry machine that draws attention to how we perceive fortune.

Deanna, Kexin and Ashley will share some short project films and introduce their work and ideas. Come along to experience their ideas in progress and chat with them about their learning and process. Drinks and nibbles will be provided.

If you can’t make it to Watershed in-person but are interested in learning more, we will also release the project films on Watershed’s YouTube Channel during the event, so you can tune in to find out what they have been up to.

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