The Room: 20th Anniversary Screening

The Room: 20th Anniversary Screening

classified 18 (CTBA) Sold Out

Please note: This was screened in May 2023

Tommy Wiseau
Tommy Wiseau, Juliette Danielle, Greg Sestero
99 mins, 2003, USA
Primary language

A celebration of the 20th anniversary of The Room including big surprises, never before seen footage from The Making of The Room and sneak peek at Greg Sestero’s new U.F.O. abduction movie.

The premise behind the film is a simple one: It is the story of a banker named Johnny (Tommy Wiseau) who suspects that his fiancée Lisa may be sleeping with his best friend Mark (Greg Sestero).

However, surrounding this simple love triangle is a car-crash of cinematic head-scratching conundrums. Various subplots are introduced and then either ignored or not resolved, rooftop scenes are done with awful green-screen effects, and then there are the two awkwardly long and incredibly unerotic sex scenes.

If you’ve never seen The Room, you will have at least heard of it and you owe it to yourself to finally see what all the fuss is about. Love it or hate it, you’ll never forget it.

Bring the spoons.

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