Found in: Queer Vision

Egghead & Twinkie

classified 15

Queer Vision 2023


Please note: This was screened in June 2023

Sarah Kambe Holland
Bryson Jon Steele, Louis Tomeo, Kyra Johnson
87 mins, 2023, USA
Primary language

When coming out to her parents doesn’t go as well as she might have hoped, Asian-American teenager Twinkie steals the family car car, grabs her nerdy best friend Egghead and embarks on a cross country road trip to meet the cool lesbian DJ who she’s been messaging.

The trouble is Egghead is in love with her and Twinkie's crush isn’t all that she makes herself out to be online...

This debut feature from Sarah Kambe Holland explores themes of racial and sexual identity while being a laugh out loud queer teen road movie, and is a true delight of Queer Vision Film Festival.Image title

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