Found in: Queer Vision

Kokomo City

classified 18 (CTBA)

Queer Vision 2023


Please note: This was screened in June 2023

D. Smith
Daniella Carter, Koko Da Doll, Liyah Mitchell
73 mins, 2023, USA
Primary language

After blazing a trail around the major international film festivals, we are thrilled for Queer Vision to bring Kokomo City to Watershed.

This debut feature from D. Smith, a two-time Grammy-nominated songwriter-producer who has worked with Lil Wayne and Billy Porter and made history as the first trans woman cast on a primetime unscripted TV show, presents the lives of four Black trans sex workers.

D. Smith’s innovative, cinematic, punchily sound-tracked documentary gives voice to these women and their beauty, joy and pain, delivering an irreverent, destigmatizing and no-holds-barred portrait of lives that are rarely so fully explored on screen.

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