Found in: Queer Vision
Who I Am Not

Who I Am Not

classified 18 (CTBA)

Queer Vision 2023


Please note: This was screened in June 2023

Tunde Skovran
105 mins, 2023, South Africa
Primary language

Millions of people around the world have bodies that do not fit neatly into society’s rigid male/female binary system.

This groundbreaking documentary follows the stories of two intersex people with parallel but divergent lives: Sharon-Rose Khumalo, a beauty queen and Dimakatso Sebidi, an intersex activist as they navigate various personal, societal and medical challenges.

Moving, warm, funny and eye opening Who I am Not is a testament to the strength and generosity of Khumalo and Sebidi in breaking the silence so that others will know they are not alone.

Content warning: contains interphobia, genital examination.

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