Found in: Queer Vision
Little Richard: I Am Everything

Little Richard: I Am Everything

classified 15

Queer Vision 2023


Please note: This was screened in June 2023

Lisa Cortes
Little Richard
98 mins, 2023, USA
Primary language

Uncovering the alternative origins of rock ’n’ roll through its most influential pioneer Little Richard, with a wealth of archival footage and interviews with artists including Mick Jagger, Tom Jones, Billy Porter and Nile Rodgers.

Richard Wayne Penniman, known to the world as Little Richard, was without a doubt one of the godfathers of rock 'n’ roll, blazing a flamboyant trail for Elvis, The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, Prince, David Bowie and everyone in-between. Director Lisa Cortés uses a wealth of archival footage to bring to life the Black, Queer origins of rock 'n’ roll, demolishing the dominant white-washed narrative.

The result is a multi-layered film, exploring and embracing Little Richard’s complicated inner world with all the twists and contradictions in between.

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