Meet The Metahumans


Please note: This was screened in July 2023

68 mins

Come watch and Meet The Metahumans alongside five other films selected and created by Autistic disabled filmmakers from Bristol, including new short films by “Big Jeff” Johns, Tom McCarthaigh and T.E. Yates.

Presented by Sam Downie and Michael Smith two critically acclaimed Disabled Filmmakers, from Bristol with over 15+ years of industry experience as Content Creators.

Meet The Metahumans will also play alongside the following short films:

  • A MOMENT OF MY TIME dir: Michael Smith (5 mins)
  • UNIQUELY HUMAN dir: Sam Downie (3 mins)
  • PROVOCATION dir: Jeffrey Johns (5 mins)
  • OUTSIDER dir: Tom McCarthaigh (2 mins)
  • MUSIC VIDEO: CONDITION dir: T. E. Yates (5 mins)

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