Image courtesy of Park Circus and Disney


classified 15

Look Who’s Back: The Hollywood Renaissance and the Blacklist


Please note: This was screened in July 2023

John Berry
Diahann Carroll, James Earl Jones, Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs, Tamu Blackwell
92 mins, 1975, USA

In an Oscar®-nominated performance, Diahann Carroll plays a black working class mother struggling to make ends meet, offering an antidote to the testosterone driven star-turns of the blaxploitation cycle.

Scripted by Lester Pine and Tina Pine, the film is driven by a powerful, Oscar® nominated, central performance from Carroll, who is ably supported by James Earl Jones.

The film also contains a memorable, socially conscious score by Curtis Mayfield with songs such as ‘On and On’ and ‘The Makings of You’ performed by Gladys Knight and the Pips. Claudine was also produced by Hannah Weinstein for the Third World Cinema Corporation, a company started by Weinstein and Ossie Davis, amongst others, to promote film roles for black actors and train black film practitioners.

A 4K restoration courtesy of Park Circus and Disney.

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