Eve’s Bayou

Eve’s Bayou

classified 15 Sold Out

Restored & Rediscovered


Please note: This was screened in July 2023

Kasi Lemmons
118 mins, 1997, USA

Eve Batiste (Jurnee Smollett) lives in Louisiana in the 1960s with her family, in a seemingly idyllic world. When she glimpses her father (Samuel L. Jackson) cheating on her mother, her world slowly begins to unravel, her sense of reality unspooling ahead of her.

With Creole mysticism and history imbued into every frame, Eve’s Bayou is a dreamlike slice of Southern Gothic, resting on a who’s who cast of great Black actresses: Lynn Whitfield, Debbi Morgan, and Diahann Carroll’s voodoo priestess.

A confident, fully-formed debut feature from Kasi Lemmons, Eve’s Bayou is a heart-rending look at shifting memories and how childhood worlds crumble when faced with reality.

A new 4K digital restoration of the director’s cut, supervised by director Kasi Lemmons and cinematographer Amy Vincentith thanks to Lionsgate, the Kasi Lemmons Collection at the Academy Film Archive and Cotty Chubb.

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