Film on Film: A Dog Called Discord (35mm) + Meshes in The Afternoon (16mm)

Film on Film: A Dog Called Discord + Meshes of The Afternoon

classified 12A

Reframing Film


Please note: This was screened in July 2023

Mark Jenkin, Maya Deren
59 mins, 2023, UK, USA

Join Tara Judah for a very special double-bill on film, starting with BAFTA-winning director Mark Jenkin's (BAIT, Enys Men) A Dog Called Discord commissioned by the BFI to mark their recent Film on Film Festival.

The film explores Jenkin’s fascination with the physicality and magic of film and its surprising life-giving properties in this new short film.

This is followed by Meshes in the Afternoon (1943), the perfect slice of surrealism and one of the most influential and iconic examples of experimental cinema ever made. Let the beautiful images of Deren and Hammid’s mesmerising puzzle wash over you and likely haunt you long after its 14-minute runtime.

A new commission by the BFI to mark their recent Film on Film Festival; screening on 35mm and 16mm, courtesy of LUX Moving Image.

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