Lunchtime Talk: 100 Years of 16mm
Image courtesy of Rosie Taylor

Lunchtime Talk: 100 Years of 16mm

Sold Out

Reframing Film


Please note: This event took place in July 2023

From the moment of its introduction back in 1923, 16mm was taken to be an amazingly versatile moving image film format that is not only still alive and kicking today, but currently undergoing an exciting renaissance.

To explore its unique intrinsic properties, as well as the potential it opened up for independent, low-budget and amateur filmmaking, we’re hosting a discussion with filmmakers and artists who use and work with the medium.

Short films and clips of 16mm will be projected as part of this event and panellists will include Graeme Hogg (Nachleben Film Lab and Archive), Vicky Smith (BEEF) and Guy Edmonds (National Screen and Sound Archive of Wales / University of Plymouth).

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