Summer of Soul: Expanded Screening & Afterparty
Courtesy of Mass Distraction Media

Summer of Soul: Expanded Screening & Afterparty

classified 12A

Bristol UNESCO City Of Film


Please note: This was screened in July 2023

Ahmir “Questlove” Thompson
Chris Rock, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Stevie Wonder
465 mins, 2021, USA

Compass Presents are bringing a large scale film screening of the toe-tapping, hip-shaking, rip-roaring Sundance award-winning documentary ‘Summer of Soul’ Far from being televised, and just a few months before Woodstock, a musical revolution was happening in the streets of NYC. Ahmir “Questlove” Thompson’s inspiring documentary film has been hailed as the ‘greatest concert film of all time’ unearthing stunning archive footage of the 1969 Harlem Cultural Festival. A testament to the healing power of music in times of unrest, and an incredible cultural record of the sights, sounds and styles of Harlem in the late 60’s. Live performances will precede the screening.

Following the film, audiences are invited to stay for an underground funk and soul party that will showcase Bristol’s homegrown DJs and musicians late into the night. Party goers are encouraged to wear 60’s inspired outfits and to practise their dance moves in preparation for the Soul Train.

This event is presented as part of Bristol UNESCO City of Film’s ‘Summer Film Takeover”, a City Centre and High Streets Recovery and Renewal programme, funded by Bristol City Council and the West of England Combined Authority’s Love our High Streets project.

With thanks to Park Circus.

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