UK Premiere: Variety
Image Courtesy of Other Parties and Kino Lorber

UK Premiere: Variety

classified 18

Down & Dirty: American D.I.Y. Restored


Please note: This was screened in July 2023

Bette Gordon
Sandy McLeod, Will Patton, Richard M. Davidson, Luis Guzmán.
100 mins, 1983, USA

Bette Gordon’s Variety follows Christine (Sandy McLeod), who takes up a job as a ticket-seller in a New York porn theatre, gradually forming a fascination with the films playing and the clientele visiting.

She decides to go on a date with Louie (Richard Davidson), one of the venue’s more suspect regulars, gradually coming to believe he’s involved with the mafia as she flies closer and closer to the flame.

What emerges is a story of obsession and female sexual awakening, backed by a small galaxy of American indie talent, many of whom emerged from the late '70s/early '80s New York No Wave scene that cross-pollinated across film, music, photography and art: cinematographer Tom DiCillo, actor Luis Guzmán, music by John Lurie, and a small role for Nan Goldin (most recently seen in Venice Festival winning documentary All the Beauty and the Bloodshed).

A new 2K restoration from the original camera negative overseen by director Bette Gordon courtesy of Other Parties and Kino Lorber.

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